Questions To Ask Before Submitting Your Manuscript

questions to ask before submitting a manuscript
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Planning to submit your manuscript? Ask these questions first!

Self-publishing a book is not easy. It involves a lot of different tasks from the moment you conceptualize and write your book to the moment you publish and market it. Speaking of marketing, one of the many ways you can create an effective marketing plan is to ask yourself a question or two about your book before you send your manuscript to your chosen self-publishing company.

Below are the 5 what-questions you need to ask yourself before hitting that submit button:

1. What are your goals?
Identify your goals and list them on a piece of paper so that you won’t forget them. Some authors even write their goals on a whiteboard to remind them what they need to do and so they don’t stray from their goals. Additionally, knowing your goals will enable you to measure if they are possible and attainable.

2. What is the title of your book?
Shorter book titles are better because they are more quickly and easily retained in people’s minds. Don’t forget though that for your book to be a success, you should create a good book with an interesting beginning, engaging middle, and a thought-provoking, emotion-captivating end.

3. What are the titles of your book competitors?
This is one of the hardest parts about publishing your book. Why? Because you don’t know if your chosen title already exists, or if there is a similar one already out there? Therefore, you need to conduct a search for your book’s title, either by visiting your local bookstore or searching online. Remember to make sure your title is both unique and appealing to your target readers.

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