Avoiding The 3 Common Self-Publishing Issues

common self-publishing pitfalls
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What are the common self-publishing pitfalls?

The new breed of aspiring writers often believes that the easiest path to being a published author is through self-publishing. But there are a lot of things they need to know especially the most common yet vital parts of self-publishing.

If you have the passion of being a writer and wants to impart your visions and imaginations to the world, then keeping yourself off from the following common mistakes is highly recommended:

  1. Goals and Milestones – It is important to have a clear vision of what do you want to achieve with your book. Oftentimes, having "money" as the center of a goal in publishing a book is a bad idea as authors tend to publish the book without checking thoroughly if the story and the quality of the book itself is good and have provided value to the readers. Although, having "money" as one of the goals is not at all a bad idea as long as the authors will still provide an informative and valuable literary piece.

  2. Ask Help. Hire People – No man is an island – this is true when you are self publishing as you need all the help you can get. You can't do all the tasks needed in self publishing by yourself. Hire people if possible especially when it comes to copy editing and book cover designer.

  3. Social Media Marketing – While social media is still free, you can actually abuse its power by creating and participating in the top social networking sites. Spread the news about your book and about yourself. Participate in any author blog forums, communicate, and engage with other authors.

Above are just few of the common self publishing pitfalls that authors tend to do. There are still a lot of these mistakes that you need to know by reading and joining in author discussions and conversations.

June 28, 2013 | 3:13 AM


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