Partridge Publishing: 5 eBook Publishing Formatting Guide

Ebook Self-Publishing Guide
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eBook Self-Publishing Guide to Formatting

Various types of books, such as eBooks, Audio Books, or Paper Books, require their own formatting. In the case of eBooks, compatibility with different e-reading devices, like Kindle or Nook, must be considered.

The following is a simple 5 step eBook formatting guide you can use:
  1. Read the instructions/manuals - Whatever self-publishing company you are planning to publish your eBooks with, be it Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, or Partridge Publishing, take note and read the formatting guides and style they have as formatting differs from one publishing company with the other.
  2. Use only one book editing tool – It is highly recommended by experienced authors to use only one book editing software, as using various types may cause issues with your book during printing and or issues with the formatting.
  3. Optimize your images – Images used in your books are very unpredictable, unlike text which can easily be formatted and manipulated. Make sure the size of the image is optimized so that it isn’t stretched or pixilated too much when your book is viewed on larger screens.
  4. Ensure the color compatibility – Make sure colored images or text are fully tested for compatibility with common eBook reading devices. Different devices render colors differently.
  5. Use separate formats for separate devices – Give your readers options about what format they can buy or read your books in. Create separate book formats. May they be reading on their Kindle or Nook, they should be able to download the right format for their device.


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